Our Story
Let’s Talk About Us for a Minute
Who Sucks At Work?
Hi, I’m Stephanie Surratt and I suck at work.
And I’m here to tell you, that you suck at work too. We all do – and it’s costing us billions of dollars every year, $359 billion to be exact. I’m not okay with this, and you shouldn’t be either.
I’ve spent the last 17 years in human resources at companies ranging from Fortune 500 level businesses to tech start-ups, listening to my co-workers at all levels (talking to you C-Suite), complain about their boss, their coworkers, their teams, their clients and how everyone sucked… except for them. I got to a point where I would just look at them across the desk and say, “Have you considered that maybe you suck?”
These individuals sitting across from me, at all levels of the organization, will continue to have the same problems in the future, unless they challenge themselves to fix the real problem; their own self-awareness, negative communication patterns, poor coping skills and reactions to stress and conflict.
My mission is to help employees learn about themselves, and change their communication patterns, so they become actively engaged contributors at work and build successful workplace cultures with productive, motivated employees, that have fun along the way.
How do I do this? Glad you asked!
I created Don’t Suck at Work… a communication engagement workshop that doesn’t suck.
Unlike your typical lame corporate training, where you forget everything you’ve learned by the end of the day, Don’t Suck at Work is interactive and fun so you take your skills with you. We work together, practicing self-awareness exercises to recognize our own strengths, weaknesses and communication style, internalizing the tools so the training goes beyond the workshop, transforming your workplace culture.
Former participants tell us they leave excited, energized and ready to lead with a contribution-based mindset at work, improving job satisfaction and workplace happiness. We’ve even heard from participants who transformed their relationship with their boss or co-worker instead of quitting their job, a win for everyone!
Come join us and make work suck a little less.
DSAW, Transforming your culture